Redfin Feature: Stylish Yet Functional Pet Area Ideas to Incorporate Pet Supplies into Your Decor

Redfin tapped into Hiddin Founder Tracey Butler's expertise for their recent article about how to incorporate pet product into your decor in both a stylish and functional way.
Choose your pet products like you would choose your furniture
"Find pet products that are made with furniture-grade materials, like fine wood or clear lucite. Using modern, quality materials for a pet gate or dog crate can elevate your pet furnishings into modern architectural elements rather than unattractive or cumbersome distractions. Quality materials with trending metal finishes in gold and silver allow essential pet furnishings to blend seamlessly into decor. Also, remember, less is more. Choose pet products with clean lines and simple design elements. Pet products need to be safe, durable, and easy to use but do not need to be overly ornate or complicated."
Read the rest of the article here.
With over 25 years of interior design experience, Tracey knows firsthand how to design spaces with both the homeowners and pets in mind. She created Hiddin after she had client after client asking for chic and functional pet furnishings that would fit in their newly-designed homes.
Unable to find accessible and beautiful pet products that would work within each space, Tracey sought out to create her own for her clients and has now brought them to the pet product market for others to enjoy in their homes too.