4 SUPER Easy Steps To Get Your Puppy Playpen Set Up

Setting up a puppy playpen shouldn't be a time-consuming, head-scratching ordeal. If you've got a playpen that you're struggling to put together: stop! Before you do anything else, ensure you understand the simple steps that can make this task as easy as one, two, three.
At Shop Hiddin, our customers rave about our puppy playpen selection, calling our products some of the best puppy playpens available. With clear acrylic designs, effortless functionality, and sophisticated versatility, our pup playpen products give you and your furry friend the safe, unobstructed play area you deserve.
Get your pup's pen setup done quickly and hassle-free. Here are 4 super easy steps for ensuring you get your puppy playpen set up just right.
1. Understand Why You're Using a Puppy Pen Setup
Before you set up the puppy playpen, you should understand why you'll be using it. According to experts, the playpen has three primary purposes:
- Keep your pup safe.
- Provide an area for play.
- Train your dog.
From potty breaks to ball-fetching, resting, eating, and drinking, this confinement area serves many purposes. Sometimes, the pen may serve primarily as an exercise pen for especially active breeds.
Will Your Playpen Be Used for Potty Training and Crate Training?
A playpen can be used while your dog learns proper behaviors. By putting water, food, chew toys, and other animal-friendly objects in the playpen, you can create an environment that is harm-free, fun, and instructive.
You can also put a crate in the pen. Your pup can learn not to go to the bathroom near the crate, and you can even set up pee pads to slowly acclimate your dog to use certain areas for potty breaks.
This enclosure will also save you time, effort, and money by keeping your little one from escaping, damaging things, and continuing bad behaviors. Playpens are also great places for puppies when you have to leave for extended periods, or if you have your dog in someone else's home.
2. Determine Where You'll Be Putting the Playpen
Where are you putting the pen? Do you want a transportable, pop-up playpen that you can put indoors and outdoors? Would you rather have a large exercise pen where your rambunctious furry friend can get tuckered out and then go to the cage to rest?
Depending on your goals, you will have to determine the best place in - or outside - your home. Some dog owners like to put the pens in areas with easy access to doors, in case they need to let the dog outside.

What Location Makes Most Sense for Your Puppy Playpen?
You may decide to section off a portion of your living room, basement, bedroom, or yard. If you have a small, calm puppy, a guest room might suffice, but if you have a larger active breed, your exercise pen will need plenty of space.
Similarly, an older dog may be satisfied with a smaller confinement area, whereas a younger, more energetic, and curious dog will want to move around more. You should always consult your vet or a dog trainer about the best pen for your furry friend.
3. Set Up a Puppy Playpen Perfect for Your Pup
How do I get a playpen set up for puppy dogs, you ask? Well, according to the experts, it all depends! If your little one is especially inquisitive and explorative, you might opt for baby gates to section off dog-proofed areas. If your dog is more relaxed and slower, the confinement area may be tighter and less stimulating.
From fresh puppies to canine elders, your dogs' needs (and your training goals) will likely determine the perfect playpen setup.
From Potty Area to Exercise Pen, Your Puppy Playpen Can Be It All!
For a full-fledged exercise pen, you might consider a pop-up playpen that can be quickly structured with nine or more panels. You can make barriers at various corners, stairwells, and exits to ensure the puppy remains safe and in view.
Depending upon your dog's size - and leaping ability - you can choose a variety of panel heights. If you prefer separate baby gates over paneled pens, you may also enjoy floor protectors. These can be a good backup if your puppy misses the pee pad during potty breaks.
At Hiddin, we believe every confinement area for your puppy should be enjoyable, which is why our clear acrylic also permits ample sunlight to warm your pup. Our lucite pen designs feature four extended walls, hinged doors, 32" verticals, and other options for customization.
4. Know What to Put in Your Pup's Playpen
As you get your puppy playpen set up, think about what you'll be including. Dog experts typically recommend a variety of items, from materials for the potty-training process to necessities like a water bowl, chew toy, crate, and more.
Wondering how to set up a puppy playpen? The following items should be considered for your puppy confinement area or pen.
Play Area
This is the most obvious. Whether you put down blankets, rugs, or have your puppy confined outside in the grass, make sure there is space for your doggie to run around. Not only is exercise crucial for the little one's health and happiness, but you also want your pup to have room to explore, learn scents, and become familiar with boundaries.
Litter Boxes
While padded pee areas can be extremely useful, some experts warn against using them too frequently. As animal behaviorists indicate, a litter box may be a better alternative, especially as your pup matures. Like a crate, a litter box is a distinct confinement area with a clear and specific purpose. Just as your pup learns to sleep and rest in the kennel, your pup can learn to go potty in the litter box.
While pee pads are useful in many situations, your pup may struggle to differentiate between carpet spots and pee pad areas inside the crate. With a litter box, which is more structurally defined, your pup can learn the difference.
Chew Toy
Whether you use a pop-up playpen or a fixed confinement area, chew toys are always a must-have. From chew toys to squeaky, plastic, and attractive toys, your dog's toys can be as varied as you want. As experts note, you'll quickly discover which toys your pup likes and when he or she uses them most.

It's always good to have a range of options, as your pup's preferences may change as he or she matures.
Food and Water
Dog specialists recommend having an area specifically designated for drinking and eating. Although food and water bowls can be useful, they may lead to splashing and spills. This is why trainers recommend starting with hanging water buckets that feature a handle. These can be quickly secured and immobilized.
This can help tremendously in preventing messes and speeding up any cleanup.
Crate or Bed
Experts recommend using old blankets or towels at first, as many young puppies will destroy their beds and could choke on other materials. If the pen is large enough, you can also use a small crate to train your dog where to rest, sleep, and go for a 'safe space.' Closing and opening the crate door can also signal important times, events, and desired behaviors.
A crate may also be a good place to put your pup temporarily when introducing a brand-new dog.
Once your pup matures, you may even choose to have designer puppy beds. Our customers seem to love these stylish, lightweight custom beds. These contemporary lucite designs are easy to clean and make it even easier to keep an eye on your small puppy.
Set Up the Perfect Pup's Playpen Today
Overall, the balance of the play area, bathroom area, sleeping area, and food and water area makes the playpen a perfect place for all kinds of activities and lessons. If you want to get your puppy playpen set up in a manner that is contemporary and fully functional, we think you'll love our Hiddin playpens.
We know you love your dog dearly, which is why we provide the finest playpens available. If you want premium pens, potty pads, beds, or something else, we can help.
Email us about our sleek, adaptable acrylic designs today.